Friday, January 30, 2015

Student Success Statement

                    Ben Carson
·      Born in the slums of Detroit ,in deep poverty
·      His mother and father divorced
·      His mother came from a family of 24 children
·      His mother couldn't read
·      His mother raised Ben and his brother ,Curtis
·      Ben was the worst student in his grade school class
·      Ben becomes top student in his school

Student Success Statement
A Choice: Poverty or Prosperity
“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that. It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decided that I would change it.”
DR. Ben Carson 
Reflection: I believe this quote means it is you choice to be in poverty. If you don't want to be in poverty do something about it get a job and work hard. No one likes to be poor but not every one is willing to work hard and rise from the poorness. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Student Success Statement

"You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right." 
Thomas S. Monson 
Reflection: This quote means to be that if you are doing something wrong and it looks right to you it is still wrong. If you are doing something right and everyone thinks its wrong but you know it's right then it is right you have to follow your heart. 
                  Eastern Medicine Doctor 
Duties and responsibilities: acupuncture  doctors are trained to treat the entire illness or condition. They know how to treat the condition by patient's physical, mental and emotional to determine the treatment.

Salary: $46,536

Education: Master's degree or also post-baccalaureate certificate from an accredited program

Reflection: I would not want to be a Easter Medicine Doctor because i am not interested in the medical field. Also this job does not call my attention it seems banal to me.I would also expect a higher salary for being a doctor and not just a regular doctor but a Eastern Doctor. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Enthusiasm makes the difference". 
Dr.Norman Vincent Peale 
Reflection: I think this quote means that if you don't show interest there would be no difference. If you show enthusiasm things will change in a better outcome. Every thing made in a good spirit will come out positive. You have to be positive to make a great change and difference in life. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Student Success Statement

"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy.I was trying to do what was right." 
Dean Smith 
Reflection: Dean Smith's quote to me means he didn't care about a legacy he just wanted to do things right. Doing the right thing was more important to him than a legacy because doing things right is a good feeling.
                                        Police Officer
Duties and responsibilities: In investigating break-ins, making arrests, patrolling areas, responding to 911 calls, directing traffic etc.

Salary: $60,552

Education: Meet basic prerequisites, complete undergraduate education, attend police academy and pass applicable examinations 

Reflection: This career calls my attention because a police officer are the ones that protect me from danger every day. Police officers are a big importance in every community. When something is wrong the first people you call for help is 911 which is the police.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Student Success Statement

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of it's self. The dreams will come to you."

Dr.Randy Pausch
Reflection: I think Dr.Randy Pausch's quote means if you are doing things the right way only good things will come your way. Choosing the right way will lead you to achieve your goals. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Student Success Statement

Every time I've done something that

doesn't feel right,

it has ended up not being right.“

Mario Cuomo 
Reflection: This quote to me means that when you do something wrong or doesn't feel right you get a negative outcome. Everything you do that feels you are doing bad and you know its not right deep down in side you, you would have bad consequences. 
   Electrocardiograph Technician 

Duties and responsibilities: 
  • test procedures
  • Record EKG readings
  • Perform stress tests
  • Provide test data to physicans

Salary: $30,000 

Education: Certification and  degree in cardiovascular technology  

Reflection: I would not like to be a electrocardiograph technician because it does not call my attention. The duties seem banal to me i am not interested in this career. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education" 

                  Martin Luther King Jr. 

Reflection: I think this quote from Martin Luther King Jr. means being smart is not the only thing you need for the true goal of education. You also need character like a strong " I can do it" person in your head. 

Registered Dietitian

Duties and Responsibilities: promote nutrition and healthy eating , to support people to obtain a healthy diet and dietitians educated the public about food selection and nutrition. 

Salary: $55,460

Education: a bachelor degree and 1,200 hours supervised practice in the internship program

Reflection: Yes i think i would like to be a Registered dietitian because it sounds interesting and i would get to learn about the food im eating and how nutritious it is for my body. The salary is also a good pay and the education requirements are not so complicated.